Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 3

Hey friends,
Happy Sunday! We loved sharing our church with the team. They were able to worship in Spanish and English. We had a great message from the book of Joshua. After church we visited the largest statue of Jesus in the world. Some of the more ambitious people climbed the 2000+ stairs. The more intelligent ones road up in the car and walked up 200 stairs. A lovely lunch at the house followed by our testimony was the perfect day of fellowship. Our six interns are preparing the meal tonight at the guest house for your loved ones; I'll let you know tomorrow how it turned out.
Chau for now,


  1. Dear Mike and Team,
    We are praying for all of you and were so glad to get Scott's voicemail and report from the team. We played it yesterday in worship. Sounds like you all are staying on the move. We continue to simply ask God to let the team be active wherever God is at work there. Praying for everyone's health, strength and the countless details of daily mission efforts with the team. Please let the team members know that the carnival for little Claire was a huge smash. Go with God, Monty

  2. Hi everybody!!

    I was so excited to hear the message from you guys yesterday! Though we are not there with you in body, please know that our hearts are with you! Praying for you continuously.

    Father God, I lift up the entire team in Bolivia - the Mosaic folks, the interns, the Timmers, everyone there serving the people of Bolivia. I pray that they would be a blessing to the children, that Your light shine through them. Lord, that in all they do, You be glorified. I pray for protection of their health. Lord, that you would keep their tummies well. Please provide them energy and strength for each day - loving people and praising You. Father, I pray that every need be met for these homes. Both those immediate and those in the future. I thank you for Your Provision, Your Blessing, and Your Guidance for all those serving Bolivia in Your Name. In JESUS' Name, Amen!

    I was running the other morning, praying and praising God for challenging me and getting me through. This big, nasty fly kept diving at my head. It was quite annoying, until I felt these words actually come out of my mouth,

    "Satan, get on, get out of here
    GOD is by my side.
    Leave! There's no place for you here
    Only GOD shall be glorified!!"

    My neighbors must think I'm looney! :-) Angie, I know you can relate - everyting seems to come out in song! Just a thought that I felt on my heart to share.

    Just know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many. We love you all. Be safe! Have fun! Love people!

    To God be ALL the Glory,

  3. Praying for the team and everyone there. What an opportunity to witness God's love through His people and to share that story with our son. You all are in our prayers continually.
    In His love and grace,
    Janet (Isbell) Kelly
