Thursday, June 14, 2007

A day in the life....

A typical Tuesday:
Wake up to the sound of Perdro the parrot insanely screaming
Eat a make shift breakfast
Squeeze in a little devotion
Then it´s off to Espanol class!
After Espanol we head to the orphanage only couple blocks away from the hacienda (our ¨home¨)
After playing with the kids too young to be in school, we eat our lunch (which typically consists of somthing deep fried paired with a soda of some sort).
After the other kids come home from school, we have even more children to play with.
As the day calms down we sing Spanish worship songs. Even though we don´t understand most of the words it is amazing to see how worship can cross cultures.
We head back to the hacienda then catch a trufie (a small, cheap bus) to dinner.
After another fried meal we grab a taxi (in which we shove as many people as possible) back to the hacienda for a relaxing evening of hanging out and getting to know each other.

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