Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mosaic Team Day 2

Hola friends and family from the Mosaic Mission Team to Bolivia,

They were all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning when I picked them up; and its a good thing because we were on the move all day. Please forgive me for not putting photos on the blog the camera I borrowed didn't work with my USB cable. We'll add extra photos tomorrow.

We left emmediatly for the 2nd home, Villa Israel Orphanage. What a hub of activity as the team began to clean the paint spatter off the ceramic tile. We were able to paint the kitchen ceiling, finish the varnish sealant on the walls, re-paint the staircase hand rail and repair the doorbell all while entertaining the new resident brothers. Joel, Brandon, Samuel and Erlan, 9,7,5 and 3 years old respectfully were really excited to have visitors. By their happy faces its hard to believe they've only been in our orphanage for three days.

After lunch we paid a little visit to La Concha, our giant open air market, said to be the largest in the world. The group was able to purchase a few momentos of Bolivia. The team also had it on their hearts to use some of their extra funds to purchase a wash machine for the new orphanage. So we rushed back to the orphanage to drop this wonderfully generous gift.

We raced to the central plaza where we introduced the team to Baby Washing. A wonderful ministry that meets every Saturday to provide warm baths and fresh clothing to all the children of the homeless mothers in Cochabamba. In addition to the baths mothers are offered the opportunity to wash their own hair and enjoy a glass of milk and fresh bread. Your team then stayed late to share the story of creation and Deb had all the children circled around her as she shared with these homeless children how God wonderfully made them and considered them all so very special. Crayons, stickers and a worksheet were given out to each of the children and we rushed off to dinner.

You've got some wonderful friends serving the Lord here; thanks again for sharing them with us.

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