Last week the interns split up and seven of us headed to Remberto´s site, Nueva Jerusalen. We started off our week by moving a pile of bricks up to the top of the orphange and built a temporary floor for the workers to lay the bricks. Although it seemed like a small deed, we knew we were helping in some way. Romberto´s wife Vic made us the most amazing meals every day, including chicken dishes while chickens ran around under our feet! The next day we shoveled sand into a pit for the workers to mix into cement for the bricks. That night we were blessed to sit in on a church service and sing Sanctuary for the crowd of Bolivians. Ben painted a beautiful mural on the outside of the church, his artistic talents really shone through. Romberto led us out into the jungle to harvest yuca, a root that grows under a certian tree, and we got to cut it up and fry it for dinner that night. Just being able to see how they all live off the land and help one another was humbling for all of us, it really made us greatfull for everything in our lives. We came out there to help build the third orphange, but what we took away from it was so much more.
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