This week we piled in Mike's car and headed out to Chapare! There were many things on the slate for this trip. Included in the things to accomplish were: meet with a church that is partnering with us on the almost complete kilometer 14 home, get the power turned on for the 14 home, meet with the Sindicato (local governing board) about the operating home at kilometer 21, and meet and better understand the situations and needs of the childred at the kilometer 21 home. Many other things were accomplished on the trip and many new relationships were formed. It is truly amazing to see how the work that has been so long in process is starting to bud and bear fruit. We thank Him for everything that is being done in Chapare and are happy we can play a part in it! Below are pictures from the trip:

Above: The kids preparing for Carnival (alot of water baloon throwing).
Right: They could use a little practive filling them up!

Bottom ThreeTop: Mike with the head of the Chapare Sindicato. Also, he is wearing a Evo for President hat to amuse them:)
Middle: The kids were excited to show us their rooms and beds.
Last: Kids biggest to smallest.
How exciting!! Is this the orphanage home that we visited in November with you or was that a different one? We miss you guys and think of you daily!!! :)