Annie here,
So yesterday I got to take home to the Hacienda two of the Timmers kittens! Another great addition to the team! Tigerlilli and Leon...(a tiger and lion to protect me up there!) Thats really exciting and it's really nice to have some company!
I've just been given a list of things I can now do and I'm interested in helping at 'el Centro' which is an after school club and also doing lots of little projects with the kids at the orphanage including some Biblestudies and some conversational English lessons and also taking a few kids at a time to bake cookies or help with the chickens etc. So I'm excited to see these things starting up!
Unforunately three of my five new chicks were killed so I will need to improve a little of the security in the chicken run! and maybe find some older chickens that will lay sooner to boost the numbers again :(
Still can't sleep very well...it may be down to the kittens though!?...they are currently staying in my room!
I stayed two nights at the Mosey's appartment this week and may start staying here a fewnights a week until there more people join me in the Hacienda.
Taking so many taxis on my own now...I'm getting the hang of this city!...next thing Trufies! (the colourful buses that go round the city for a little cheaper)
here's a few pics of the animals!!
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