Elian is a delightful six-year-old with a sweet, shy smile. He´s constantly chattering away in Quechua, and has a deep thirst for learning. He takes pride in learning his letters, and is content to draw or read for hours. He´s also got a mischevious streak, and can climb a tree like a little monkey. When you hear him laugh, it sounds like God´s joy is actually bubbling out of him!

Franz is a long-lashes two-year-old who still carries the weight of his mother´s death on his face. He likes to sing, and will also chatter away in a mixture of Spanish and Quechua as you hold him. When he first arrived, he couldn´t bear to be put down, and would scream and scream to be held. He´s slowly adjusting, and has learned how to cope without constant human touch. He loves to draw, and often waddles around the orphanage, checking out what the other kids are up to.
We are so grateful to have these two new kiddos in our lives, and we´re excited to see how God will grow them in their new home. Pray that they will continue to heal in healthy ways from their mother´s death, and that they will sink their roots down deep in the peace and joy of God. Pray that Franz will stay healthy, and that Elian will learn quickly so he can enter into school soon.
Thanks for reading,
Katie Stewart

o my goodness! those kids are sooooo cute! I want to be there and HOLD them, but I guess I'll have to leave that responsibility to you guys :)