A couple of weeks ago, around 50 high school kids came to Villa Israel to paint, finish up the playground, and do a Backyard Bible Club for our kids and the kids that live nearby. It was fun to see the kids get out and interact with other ¨adults¨ than just the IOU staff. What a job those girls had! They needed to keep the kids out of the house for three hours, and I´d say they did a good job overall! While the kids were playing, other students were painting the inside and the outside of the house and putting together the rest of the playground. Now, the kids have monkey-bars and two swings in their backyard. We also brought them a bike, and surprisingly it has been a big hit with the older boys.

A bit of sad news, Sandra and Paula were taken away by their parents, and we were all quite sad to see them leave us. We also had Miguel and Roberto´s older sister Jaclyn with us, but she was not able to stay as well. So now, Jhoselyn is the only girl in the house, and she is handling that quite well!

Other than camp and the change in the family, we have been there around four times a week cleaning up and just playing with the kids. It has been a blast!
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