Leaving on November 6, 2007, I knew for sure that I needed to go back to one of the worksites at least once more before I head back home, and I did not know what to expect from our boss. I was hoping that for the whole month of October that I would be in Chapare but once October 1 came, I knew that it wasn´t going to happen, and a week had gone by, and still no words on when I´m heading back to the jungles. I was sad, sort of frustrated but a week later, at church Mike brought me the awesome news of Remberto coming to Cochabamba for a couple of hours tomorrow that I should get ready and stay in Chapare for 2 weeks, and I thought to myself, it´s ok that I´m staying for 2 weeks because I would´ve been really sad if I didn´t get a chance to say my goodbyes to Remberto.

The next day, I was ready to head out and Mike had told me, that there´ll be sections of the roof that needs to be painted before putting them on top of the orphanage that I should be careful and it´ll be my project for the time being there. That is exactly what I did for actually 1.5 weeks there and finished early.

Remberto and I had called Mike a few days before my departure, and the good/bad news came in, where he would not be able to pick me up because of the camp week going on at his daughters´school, so I didn´t know when I´d be going back to Cochabamba. Later on Remberto told me another week because of the camp week. The good news was staying for an extra week, the bad was that I was running out of clothes to wear and the insects were getting at me more.

Throughout my time there, seeing the progress that´s been made, it´s been a huge relief because the weather was hard for Remberto and his workers to work in; one day would be raining hard for 5 hours straight and the next day would be sun, for the next 5 days and then rain hard again.

After another call to Mike before the day of my departure, I asked him when he would be here and he told me actually another 2 more days, so I waited and when the day came, he didn´t come as he told me again the next day for sure. Got picked up and the total of time spent in Chapare this time was 3.5 weeks.

I´m so thankful that God has given me so many blessings and opportunities here and there. My prayers go out to Remberto, his workers and his family that they´ll continue to work efficiently everyday in Chapare. It´s definitely been great spending a total of 2 months, within the 6 times I´ve been in Chapare, and Mike, if you´re reading this, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Everytime I look at my Chapare pictures, I´ll remind myself that it was you who gave the go for me to head to Chapare, that I might have been frustrated when week 3 came of Chapare came, but I´m not, I´m actually really thankful. THANK YOU!!!