Thursday, May 29, 2008
New Intern: Kim Bishop
So where to begin writing my story is always the hardest part. Do I start with what first brought me to Bolivia or go even farther back to what brought me into missions? I guess the beginning is always best...
I was first introduced to ¨missions¨ and ¨missionaries¨ at a Christian summer camp when I was about 9. It sounds young, but that´s where the spark began. Since then I traveled a lot with my family which grew a love for traveling and I saw my parent´s relationship with Christ which encouraged me to grow deeper in love with my Savior. All of these things mixed together in highschool to make me want to do missions trips when the opportunities were provided. My first missions trip was 10 days in Ukraine during my freshman year of highschool. I absolutely loved it. I returned during my junior year and did another trip to Mississippi with my school during my senior year. These 3 trips confirmed my passion for missions, yet I was unsure how that would turn out when I went to college.
Bolivia came into the picture when my church decided to begin missions trips here and ironically my dad was the first person to come here and ¨scout it out¨ for my church. He fell in love with the place and I continued to hear more through the missions trips that followed. I just decided to plan a trip here with a friend and all the details came together!
So far my time here has been challenging and so amazing at the same time. I am only here for another 11 days, which will turn out to be almost a month in total, yet I can tell already that I will have to be back!
New Intern: Elaina DeStefano
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Interview with Michelle.
This week we are going to highlight Michelle!!! Michelle will be leaving us in a week. We’re super sorry to see her go, but we know this is how God wants it…for now at least.
I took a few minutes on the bus to ask Michelle some questions about her experiences here and how God brought her here.
Michelle is from
She has a BA from
Michelle shared that her favorite thing here is tutoring the kids. She enjoys spending time with the kids, and feels that it’s very rewarding to watch the kids progress. (Side note: the kids she tutors got their evaluations back yesterday and did very well. Go Michelle!!) She also feels as though her eyes have been opened a lot to the poor and their needs.
She confesses that the first thing she’s going to eat when she gets back to
One life change that Michelle has learned here and feels that she will maintain when she gets back to the states is patience!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Person of the Week!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Barnabas's from Bedford
Kristen here, just wanted to give you a little update on what’s going on for us interns.
Michelle and Jaclyn are winding down their stay here, but are not any less passionate or dedicated to their work. Finish strong! That’s what I always say. We’ll have four more girls joining us next week. Two from
Matt and Elsa (the couple that arrived from
Last week we had a team from Bedford Church (BCC) in
We did a lot of things while they were here as far as visiting the orphanages, malnutrition center, going to a futbol game, up to the Cristo, doing a bread run to Sipe Sipe, visiting the Incan Ruins, visiting the center and doing some work projects there. It was a VERY busy week, but we loved it! I personally, and I think ALL of the interns, were incredibly encouraged by this team. They challenged us in our relationship with God, offered a new perspective to the ministry we are doing here which sometimes starts to feel…well, a little monotonous, and spoiled us. When they left they just encouraged us in what we were doing, challenged us to grow in our walks with God and even left some parting gifts (a new radio for the hacienda). We were floored!! This church that they come from has been a big supporter of the ministry here for years and plans to continue to be committed for the long haul. They're an inspiration to us all!
And while I know that the house parents, the kids, and the Timmers were all encouraged by this team, we interns were especially thankful for this team of Barnabas’s. ("Son of Encouragement". See Acts 4, 11-13).