Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
So my time here has been very exciting and so much fun, working at the orphanage and the center as well as doing baby washing every weekend is such a blessing and so much fun to do! God only knows what the coming weeks will hold!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Introducing IOU's Newest Teammate
After nine months of family and friends praying for a fast delivery, our prayers were definitely answered. At nine o’clock pm on September 21st we were eating ice cream. At 11 o’clock we called the doctor. At 11:30 I was 3cm dilated. At 12:30 we were heading to the delivery room and at 1:35 am on September 22nd, after two pushes, Miles Michael Ellis was born.
A fast delivery is just one of the many blessings we have received in the past week since Miles has arrived. From a hospital bill a third of the cost of the U.S. to our Christian doctor who generously delivered Miles for free, to being able to skype with my sisters in the hospital to Miles sleeping through most of the night. We feel like God has showered us with gift after gift on top of this new little person in our family.
We have also noticed that it is truly a blessing to have delivered in Bolivia, in a country filled with poverty and tragedy. Too often it is easy for us to become numb to the countless stories and statistics we hear about children being hungry and homeless. Being parents has now given us a new look at things and, while it reminds us to be truly grateful that we have everything we could possibly need to take care of our own son, it also reaffirms the importance of being here and working with children in need.
Its heartbreaking to me that one child every five seconds dies from hunger while I have both the capability to nurse and can afford to buy formula. Here in Bolivia we have been asked to take children who were being neglected by their mother and were literally eating grass because they were so hungry.
We have three pediatricians who are offering their services to us and yet there are nine million children who die each and every year from preventable illness. We met baby George who was born in the same neighborhood of our first orphanage; he had a condition where he couldn’t suck to breastfeed. It is a curable condition, however, the mother couldn’t afford the doctor and before we could locate them, baby George died.
40% of the world’s population lives on less than two dollars a day and we see the affects of this every week at our Baby Washing ministry. It is very difficult to know that these mothers cannot even afford to buy milk for their children let alone clothes and yet back at home Miles has a closet full of them.
The hardest reality to deal with is that Braeden and I can love our new son so much and want to do absolutely everything for him while our orphanages are being filled with children who have no parents at all to love them.
Again, we want to thank everyone for their prayers for us and our new little addition. We are so grateful for all of the gifts, cards and expressions of joy. Now we ask you to continue to pray for all of the children who are born into poverty. Pray for their parents who long to give them what they need but are unable to. We too continue to worry about getting the new Littlest Pet Shop that our child wants for Christmas just remember those who continue to worry about where their child’s next meal will come from.
Friday, September 10, 2010
San Lorenzo August Update

On Monday, Braeden, Tiffany, Aldo, Wendy and I went to present some sports equipment to
Saturday, August 21, 2010
35 Cows
I visited Nemecio last night. We met earlier this year when we needed a piece of property in
Nemecio purchases year old calves from local breeders for $100 and grazes them on the nutrient rich pasture around
I’ve been resisting the requests of several friends who suggest starting a sponsor-a-child program. I’ve been hesitating because it’s a lot of administrative work tracking and responding to monthly gifts; however, I wonder if this might be a nice compromise because it is still for a child but only requires a one time gift. I’m immediately reminded of the generosity this summer of VBS programs from three churches; Mosaic Community Fellowship Church in SC, Fellowship Reformed Church in Holland, MI and St. John Lutheran Church in Allendale, MI. Between these three groups of children they raised nearly $3000 during their one week VBS program. Although much of this was raised for specific needs or projects it reminds me of the power of children in our adult world.
If you are looking for a way to connect your youth group, Sunday school class or even your family with an orphaned child; have a cow. James tells us in 2:18 “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do” Wouldn’t it be a great testimony if our children could care for the fatherless and the least of these with their own young hearts and deeds?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Goodbyes And New Interns
So the Timmer family leaves today to go back home to the States. It is quite a sad day for me because this might be the last time that I will see Mr & Mrs Timmer, Mallory, Sydney, Emmy and Gracie for I will be back in the UK by the time they come back. But I know that we will all meet one day again in heaven and we will have the rest of eternity to spend together in the presence of The Lord.
Apart from the above, things still stay the same out here. I keep going to see the kids at Muyurina, bible studies are still running and El Centro is still as crazy and fun as ever!
A new but old intern arrived last month, Kristen Polcyn. She was an intern here a couple of years ago for 11 months and it has been great being able to meet someone who did exactly what I'm doing out here. Hear from her experiences, what she enjoyed doing and to see how the kids still remember her! Kristen has only a couple of days left but she will write an entry soon telling you about her trip to Potosi.
The only thing that I don't like about meeting new people is the fact that I am going to have to say goodbye to them not knowing, once again, when I will see them. But as a friend once said "I prefer to have met you briefly on this Earth and having your friendship forever than never have met you and never have come to known you". And that is very true, I thank God for the friendships I have made while I've been out here, not knowing when I will see them again.
Another new intern is arriving on Wednesday morning called Melissa. I think this is her first time out here, so it will be very exciting showing her the Bolivian ways and orphanages.
Not much is going on apart from the World Cup starting in a few days and I cannot wait to see my country (Spain) win this cup!
Until next time!
Thank you all for your prayers